Monday, July 13, 2009

So this is what I have been thinking about with this blog.  This is for all the fellow product junkies like myself that is always looking for a great shampoo or conditioner,  the perfect day moisturizer, perfect night moisturing, a great new lipstick, the next best thing for mascara that doesn't clump.  To botox or not to botox,  what dermatologist have to offer.  Retinal products.  The list is endless and very expensive.  Wouldn't it be nice if we all helped each other out by sharing our information.  Let's tell each other about products or procedures we liked and didn't like.  I know living in New England that I might be limited to what is out there in other parts of the country or even internationally.  So for me, this would be fun. 

 By the way.  New great lip color is Berry Metallic by Bobby Brown.  Good summer color.  I'm blond and somewhat fairish.  Works for my  coloring.